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2018-12-3 · 2. DNS 查询流程 2.1 pod 内的应用通过域名访问外网服务器的DNS查询流程 流程示意图如最上面图中的 1 和 2.1 部分所示。 dnsmasq 日志: Nov 21 11: 03: 44 dnsmasq[17788]: using nameserver 172.22. 122.3 # 53 Nov 21 11: 03: 44 dnsmasq[17788172.22. # The story behind a DNS legend | Hacker News Your ISP's DNS servers are the best choice for use as your DNS servers. In theory, yes. Your ISP is obligated to provide them, and they're probably very close on the network. In practice, I've seen shockingly slow DNS on fairly high-speed internet connections. Switching to or on those connections drastically improved web browsing.百度百科 2014-1-21 ·是美国Sophidea服务商属下的IP地址。2014年1月21日下午15点中国境内发生DNS解析服务故障(主要原因是DNS污染或DNS劫持),导致百度等多家网站长达几个小时之内无法访问。其指向的IP地址为65.49.2.178,所以该IP又被冠名为65.49

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2010-9-2 · Google的公共DNS解析服务记得是上年年底推出的。我用了半年了,非常稳定与快速。现在我配置的所有个人电脑与服务器都是用8.8.8.8与8.8.4.4做客户端解析。 为何我这么钟情于Google的DNS服务器?原因很简单,是为了避开电信等ISP的DNS劫持! 理解OpenShift(2):网络之 DNS(域名服务 2018-12-3 · 2. DNS 查询流程 2.1 pod 内的应用通过域名访问外网服务器的DNS查询流程 流程示意图如最上面图中的 1 和 2.1 部分所示。 dnsmasq 日志: Nov 21 11: 03: 44 dnsmasq[17788]: using nameserver 172.22. 122.3 # 53 Nov 21 11: 03: 44 dnsmasq[17788172.22. # The story behind a DNS legend | Hacker News

05-形考任务5-第8章实训项目报告-配置DNS服务_ …

Your ISP's DNS servers are the best choice for use as your DNS servers. In theory, yes. Your ISP is obligated to provide them, and they're probably very close on the network. In practice, I've seen shockingly slow DNS on fairly high-speed internet connections. Switching to or on those connections drastically improved web browsing.百度百科