The docs for the config file are the same as the docs for the commandline options: OpenVPN allows any option to be placed either on the command line or in a configuration file. Though all command line options are preceded by a double-leading-dash ("--"), this prefix can be removed when an option is placed in a configuration file.
How to set up OpenVPN client on Asus routers with ASUSWRT Apr 28, 2016 OVPN SETUP | ONE ACCOUNT = FIVE SERVERS | LATEST 2020 Jul 22, 2020 CARA EDIT CONFIG OVPN - YouTube Aug 17, 2015
Using OpenVPN GUI > How to Configure OpenVPN | Cisco Press
How to set up OpenVPN client on Asus routers with ASUSWRT
In my case, the file name is linuxhint.ovpn. Connecting to the OpenVPN Server: If you want to connect to your OpenVPN server from other computer, you will need a copy of the OVPN file (in my case linuxhint.ovpn) that was generated by the OpenVPN installer. On the client computer, you have to install OpenVPN client software.
How to setup and use OpenVPN Connect | TechRadar Jun 27, 2019 OpenVPN setup for private internet access (PIA VPN) OSMC Jul 26, 2019